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Profile Updates - Page 2 Empty Profile Updates

Post by APE 26/01/18, 12:16 am

First topic message reminder :

  Profile Update   

Dear members,

I am proud to announce a small update for our profiles.

As you know we have a Credits store and when you buy an item from the store we add this to your profile page.
This shows up on your comments profile.
Before now you just see the items you have paid for but now when you hover over the icons you will see the name of the item you have got.

Take a look at this short Video on how it works.
Profile Updates - Page 2 Ezgif_15

That's not it we have also updated the Rewards system too.

Now the rewards are not the same they have there own colour and when you hover over them you see what the reward was for.

Take a look at the video to see how it works
Profile Updates - Page 2 Ezgif_16
Profile pets will not have this as there is really no need for them to show names as you can name your pets in your profile your self Wink

We hope you like this update.

We would like to thank @Walt for helping us with the codes Smile

Profile Updates - Page 2 Chat_w11

A chat World Official Announcement

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Forum Bot

Profile Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Profile Updates

Post by Forum Bot 30/11/20, 09:17 pm

Dear members.

Today we have made up our minds about how we now show your profile data.

Before you would have some things that had personal data seen by our non members this was 

  • social media
  • Websites
  • Forums
  • Date of birth

This has now been removed and the only time any date is seen will be when you are a member and logged in to the forum.

This move was made to keep your data safe from non members.

Best regards.

Profile Updates - Page 2 Chat_w11
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Forum Bot

Profile Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Profile Updates

Post by Forum Bot 19/01/22, 01:05 am

two new icons added to your profile settings

Windows 11 Profile Updates - Page 2 Window10 and Unwell  Profile Updates - Page 2 Unwell10

Windows 11 one is to keep the system updated.
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Profile Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Profile Updates

Post by APE 04/04/22, 09:15 pm

Thanks to our buddy @pedxz we have updated the look of the credit store items in your profiles.

Now it looks like just like the Awards icons and the click system from the awards system is now installed to work on the credit store icons.

We hope you like this little update.

we have also added two new awards to the system that the admin's will add to you if you are one of the following - Forum gamer " if you play the forum games a lot" and - member of the year. "This is gave to the one who has used the forum the most and posted on the forum"

Mozilla FireFox ®
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Profile Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Profile Updates

Post by APE 08/06/22, 01:30 am

Hello all we have a little update for you.

The pets profile has been updated, Before you would name your pet in your profile your self and this would be showed over the top of your pets But now the staff will add your pets names to your pet them self so when you hover over your pets the name will show.

Now if you have not named your pet when you buy them the name of the icon will be shown in the place of your pets name.

So please ask your Admin's to add your pets name when you make your orders

  Screen cap of the pets when named and not named.
Profile Updates - Page 2 Ezgif_96
We have also added a drop down tool when you get to 5 five pets or more just like the rest of the awards and store items.

Mozilla FireFox ®
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JENNY, Gizmo, skouliki, tikky and GalaxySoul Likes This Post

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Profile Updates - Page 2 Empty Twitter icon change update

Post by JENNY 11/09/23, 07:02 pm

Just a small update to an icon for contact's

Ape has asked me to update the Twitter icon to fit in with the new logo, So i have updated it today to the following icon. Profile Updates - Page 2 Twit1110

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Profile Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Profile Updates

Post by APE 16/09/23, 05:43 pm

We have removed some data from the post profiles.
Join date is now removed. "Still in your own profile"
Likes count is now removed. "Still in your own profile"
Zodiac Removed. "Completely removed"
This is part of the forum clean up to make it more basic on the posts


Mozilla FireFox ®
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Profile Updates - Page 2 Empty Re: Profile Updates

Post by APE 14/01/24, 10:18 pm

Dear members Jenny has been working on the moods today.
If you can think of any more we have not got please feel free to ask here.

Here is a list of the ones she has added.

Profile Updates - Page 2 Grump10 Profile Updates - Page 2 Gloom10 Profile Updates - Page 2 Gobsma10 Profile Updates - Page 2 Greedy10 Profile Updates - Page 2 Grosse10 Profile Updates - Page 2 Gratef10

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