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Removing Saved Passwords From Your Browsers

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Removing Saved Passwords From Your Browsers Empty Removing Saved Passwords From Your Browsers

Post by Gizmo 17/11/15, 01:58 am

Removing Saved Passwords From Your Browsers

Hello Removing Saved Passwords From Your Browsers 116886698

This tutorial will help you remove passwords from your browsers if you are having Problems.

Mozilla Firefox


  1. In the menu bar, open the Tools menu.

  2. Select Options.

  3. Switch to the Security tab.

  4. Click on Saved Passwords.

To eliminate all existing saved passwords, click  Remove all.  To eliminate specific saved passwords, click View Saved Passwords and delete just those associated with  If you wish, deselect the option to Remember passwords. This will prevent passwords from being saved in the future. In older versions of Firefox, this option is in the Privacy tab instead of Security.

Mac OS X

  1. In the menu bar, open the Firefox menu.

  2. Select Preferences.

  3. Switch to the Security tab.

  4. Click on Saved Passwords.

To eliminate all existing saved passwords, click  Remove all.  To eliminate specific saved passwords, click View Saved Passwords and delete just those associated with  If you wish, deselect the option to Remember passwords. This will prevent passwords from being saved in the future. In older versions of Firefox, this option is in the Privacy tab instead of Security.

Internet Explorer

To delete individual passwords:  when using IE and a saved password is pre-filled on your screen, simply highlight the username that displays there, and press the Delete key to remove just that one username/password combination from IE. Internet Explorer will then prompt you to confirm that you do want to delete it.
To delete all saved passwords:

  1. Open the Tools menu.

  2. Select Internet Options.

  3. Click Content.

  4. Under AutoComplete, click Settings.

  5. Click Delete AutoComplete history…

To prevent AutoComplete in the future, make sure AutoComplete is deselected for User names and passwords on forms, and then click on OK.


  1. Open the Chrome menu using the button on the far right of the browser toolbar.

    Removing Saved Passwords From Your Browsers Chrome-pw
  2. Choose Settings from the left-hand menu.

  3. Click Show advanced settings at the bottom of the page.

  4. Click Manage saved passwords in the “Passwords and forms” section.

    • Windows, Linux, and Chrome devices: In the Passwords dialog that appears, hover over the site whose password you’d like to remove and click the X that appears.

    • Mac OS X: Remove the site passwords in the Keychain Access dialog that appears.

More information on managing website passwords in Chrome can be found in
the Google Help pages.


  1. Open the Safari menu.

  2. Select Preferences.

  3. Switch to the Autofill tab.

  4. Click the Edit button for Usernames and Passwords

  5. Delete the entry that corresponds with


  1. Open the Tools menu.

  2. Select Advanced.

  3. Click on Password Manager.

  4. Delete the entry that corresponds with

Microsoft Edge

Applies to Windows 10  
When you visit a website that requires you to sign in, Microsoft Edge will ask if you want your username and password remembered. The next time you visit the site, Microsoft Edge will finish filling in your account info. Password saving is on by default, but here’s how to turn it on or off:

In the Microsoft Edge browser, select  More actions (...)  > Settings  > View Advanced Settings.
Turn Offer to save passwords  to Off.

Note: This does not delete previously saved passwords. To do that, go to Settings,  select Choose what to clear  under Clear browsing data,  and then choose Passwords.

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