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Photobucket items BANNED
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Photobucket items BANNED
Impotant !! Photobucket & Tinypic is now blocked |
Dear members of chat world. Photobuket image's are now banned from this site. We have been informed that Photobucket is now asking their members to pay for hosting the image's with them so as a important step to stop warnings coming up on this forum we have added a code to stop the items showing at all in this forum. So now we are asking all members of this forum NOT to use Photobucket to host your photo's and to only use the system we have in place. |
A chat World Official Announcement |
Last edited by Forum Bot on 01/07/17, 04:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Forum Bot- Forum Bot
Likes : 148 - 100 postsYou get this award when you have hit 100 postsYou have 200+ liked postsYou get this when you get 200+ liked postsWhat you talking about?When you have all the Groups on the siteBilly No MatesBilly No Mates10th YearMember for 10 years
Re: Photobucket items BANNED
hotobucket says photo-f**k-it, starts off-site image shakedown |
Photobucket says photo-f**k-it, starts off-site image shakedown No more freeloading graphics, it wants its $400-a-year cutPhotobucket is cracking down on people embedding on third-party websites images it hosts, until now, for free. The photo-slinging internet elder now says that anyone who wants to use its service to display photos it hosts on other pages – such as signature banners in forum posts – will now need to open up their wallets and plop down $399.99 a year for a subscription plan. The new policy will be particularly annoying to longtime users who have relied on Photobucket's 14-year-old service to host the images they use to place images on forums or in blog posts. Cheaper plans, including the free account option, will no longer have an option to allow third-party hosting. The alert netizens now get from Photobucket for inlining images on third-party sites The change of heart was quietly introduced by Photobucket earlier this week as an update to its terms of service. On the one hand, it's reasonable for Photobucket to ask for some help in footing its bandwidth bills for serving up images for folks on other websites; on the other hand, it will break a lot of graphics posted on the 'net and inlined in forums and blogs. "Photobucket defines 3rd-party hosting as the action of embedding an image or photo onto another website," the updated T&Cs read. "For example, using the
Not surprisingly, the new rules went over with users about as well as a rattlesnake in a pinata... ® |
A chat World Official Announcement |
Forum Bot- Forum Bot
Likes : 148 - 100 postsYou get this award when you have hit 100 postsYou have 200+ liked postsYou get this when you get 200+ liked postsWhat you talking about?When you have all the Groups on the siteBilly No MatesBilly No Mates10th YearMember for 10 years
Re: Photobucket items BANNED
Photo Fk It that`s a good name for them, I have not used them for a few years but it is poor that they have started to charge members for picture uploads. Considering they implemented this just before Image Bam and Imgbox were due to close on 30th June, however they (Image Bam and ImgBox) have not closed and are still running.
To be honest it seems only people in USA use Photo Fk it or Tiny Pics which are poor in relation to other Image Uploaders.
To be honest it seems only people in USA use Photo Fk it or Tiny Pics which are poor in relation to other Image Uploaders.
cassini- Premium Member
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Re: Photobucket items BANNED
we have also banned Tinypic from this site as well so any one trying to use their items will not show up on the forum and nor will the warnings.
APE- Administrator
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