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New family game show The Button commissioned for BBC One

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New family game show The Button commissioned for BBC One Empty New family game show The Button commissioned for BBC One

Post by JENNY 27/04/18, 09:50 pm

New family game show The Button commissioned for BBC One

   This new show absolutely pushes all the right buttons for us. It’s a funny, frantic, competitive romp and a great snapshot of family life across the UK.Kate Phillips, Controller of BBC Entertainment

The 8 x 30 minute game show, which can arrive in any home around the country, will visit five families or friends each week and place a talking button at the heart of their front room where the teams face spontaneous challenges against the clock to win a cash prize.

The teams must keep a beady eye on the button which turns from green to red when it’s time to play. They miss it at their peril as it’s a race against the clock to hit the button and start the game. The Button delivers the task they must complete in the quickest time, interacts with them, and also reveals their rival teams on screen and the results.

Kate Phillips, Controller of BBC Entertainment says: “This new show absolutely pushes all the right buttons for us. It’s a funny, frantic, competitive romp and a great snapshot of family life across the UK.”

Jon Thoday, Executive Producer from Avalon says: “I am excited to be working with the BBC and the team behind Taskmaster on this exciting new project”

The Button is from the makers of Taskmaster, Andy Devonshire (The Great British Bake Off, The Apprentice) and Alex Horne, whilst the other executive producers are Richard Allen Turner and Jon Thoday for Avalon. The series is commissioned by Charlotte Moore, Director of Television, and Kate Phillips, Controller of Entertainment. The commissioning editor is Jo Wallace.


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