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Dark and gold FM theme

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Dark and gold FM theme  Empty Dark and gold FM theme

Post by JENNY 01/07/19, 02:47 am

Dark and gold FM theme

Hello everyone Great news Wink

Today we are proud to announce our new God and dark theme.

As always we  try and make it easy for you you install this our theme's but this time our theme will not be open to members of Hitskin.

Screen shots:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

To help you install this we have set up some great downloads and the way to install them.

Copyrighted : YES " This skin /Theme is not to be used on Hitskin and you must be a member of this forum to use it"

Template Downloads:

index_body : Click to download Updated >> 08.07.2019 - 14:28:43
index_box : Click to download
overall_footer_end : Click to Download
topics_list_box : Click to Download

Basic Skin Download:

Click to Download  Updated >> 08.07.2019 - 14:28:43


Like Button :
Title * : Like Button
Placement : In the topics

$(function() {
      // General Configuration of the plugin
      var config = {
        position_left : true, // true for left || false for right
        negative_vote :false, // true for negative votes || false for positive only
        vote_bar : false, // display a small bar under the vote buttons
        // button config
        icon_plus : '<img src="" alt="+"/>',
        icon_minus : '<img src="" alt="-"/>',
        // language config
        title_plus : 'Like %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_minus : 'Dislike %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_like_singular : '%{VOTES} person likes %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_like_plural : '%{VOTES} people like %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_dislike_singular : '%{VOTES} person dislikes %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_dislike_plural : '%{VOTES} people dislike %{USERNAME}\'s post',
        title_vote_bar : '%{VOTES} people liked %{USERNAME}\'s post %{PERCENT}'
      // function bound to the onclick handler of the vote buttons
      submit_vote = function() {
        var next = this.nextSibling, // the counter next to the vote button that was clicked
            box = this.parentNode,
            bar = box.getElementsByTagName('DIV'),
            vote = box.getElementsByTagName('A'),
            mode = /eval=plus/.test(this.href) ? 1 : 0,
            i = 0, j = vote.length, pos, neg, major, minor, percent;
        // submit the vote asynchronously
        $.get(this.href, function() {
          next.innerHTML = +next.innerHTML + 1; // add to the vote count
          next.title = next.title.replace(/(\d+)/, function(M, $1) { return +$1 + 1 });
          pos = +vote[0].nextSibling.innerHTML;
          neg = vote[1] ? +vote[1].nextSibling.innerHTML : 0;
          percent = pos == 0 ? '0%' : pos == neg ? '50%' : Math.round(pos / (pos + neg) * 100) + '%';
          if (bar[0]) {
            bar[0].style.display = '';
            bar[0] = percent;
            box.title = box.title.replace(/\d+\/\d+/, pos + '/' + ( pos + neg )).replace(/\(\d+%\)/, '(' + percent + ')');
        // revoke voting capabilities on the post once the vote is cast
        for (; i < j; i++) {
          vote[i].href = '#';
          vote[i].className = vote[i].className.replace(/fa_vote/, 'fa_voted');
          vote[i].onclick = function() { return false };
        return false;
      vote = $('.vote'), i = 0, j = vote.length,
      version = $('.bodylinewidth')[0] ? 0 : document.getElementById('wrap') ? 1 : $('.pun')[0] ? 2 : document.getElementById('ipbwrapper') ? 3 : 'badapple', // version check
      // version data so we don't have to redefine these arrays during the loop
      vdata = {
        tag : ['SPAN', 'LI', 'SPAN', 'LI'][version],
        name : ['.name', '.postprofile dt > strong', '.username', '.popmenubutton'][version],
        actions : ['.post-options', '.profile-icons', '.post-options', '.posting-icons'][version],
      post, plus, minus, n_pos, n_neg, title_pos, title_neg, li, ul, bar, button, total, percent, span, pseudo, vote_bar; // startup variables for later use in the loop
      // prevent execution if the version cannot be determined
      if (version == 'badapple') {
        if (window.console) console.warn('This plugin is not optimized for your forum version. Please contact the support for further assistance.');
      for (; i < j; i++) {
        post = $(vote[i]).parentsUntil('.post').parent()[0];
        bar = $('.vote-bar', vote[i])[0]; // vote bar
        button = $('.vote-button', vote[i]); // plus and minus buttons
        pseudo = $(, post).text() || 'MISSING_STRING'; // username of the poster
        ul = $(vdata.actions, post)[0]; // post actions
        li = document.createElement(vdata.tag); // vote system container
        li.className = 'fa_reputation';
        if (li.tagName == 'SPAN') = 'inline-block';
        // calculate votes
        if (bar) {
          total = +bar.title.replace(/.*?\((\d+).*/, '$1');
          percent = +bar.title.replace(/.*?(\d+)%.*/, '$1');
          n_pos = Math.round(total * (percent / 100));
          n_neg = total - n_pos;
        } else {
          n_pos = 0;
          n_neg = 0;
        // set up negative and positive titles with the correct grammar, votes, and usernames
        title_pos = (n_pos == 1 ? config.title_like_singular : config.title_like_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_pos);
        title_neg = (n_neg == 1 ? config.title_dislike_singular : config.title_dislike_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_neg);
        // define the vote counts
        li.innerHTML = '<span class="fa_count fa_positive" title="' + title_pos + '">' + n_pos + '</span>' + (config.negative_vote ? '&nbsp;<span class="fa_count fa_negative" title="' + title_neg + '">' + n_neg + '</span>' : '');
        span = li.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); // get the vote count containers for use as insertion points
        // create positive vote button
        plus = document.createElement('A');
        plus.href = button[0] ? button[0].firstChild.href : '#';
        plus.onclick = button[0] ? submit_vote : function() { return false };
        plus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[0] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_plus';
        plus.innerHTML = config.icon_plus;
        plus.title = (button[0] ? config.title_plus : title_pos).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo);
        span[0] && li.insertBefore(plus, span[0]);
        // create negative vote button
        if (config.negative_vote) {
          minus = document.createElement('A');
          minus.href = button[1] ? button[1].firstChild.href : '#';
          minus.onclick = button[1] ? submit_vote : function() { return false };
          minus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[1] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_minus';
          minus.innerHTML = config.icon_minus;
          minus.title = (button[1] ? config.title_minus : title_neg).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo);
          span[1] && li.insertBefore(minus, span[1]);
        // create vote bar
        if (config.vote_bar) {
          vote_bar = document.createElement('DIV');
          vote_bar.className = 'fa_votebar';
          vote_bar.innerHTML = '<div class="fa_votebar_inner" style="width:' + percent + '%;"></div>';
 = bar ? '' : 'none';
          li.title = config.title_vote_bar.replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/, n_pos + '/' + (n_pos + n_neg)).replace(/%\{PERCENT\}/, '(' + percent + '%)');
        // finally insert the vote system and remove the default one
        config.position_left ? ul.insertBefore(li, ul.firstChild) : ul.appendChild(li);

Profile Online / Offline icon code:
[table id="is_on" class="user_status"][tr][td][b][u][img][/img][/u][/b][/td][/tr][/table][table id="is_off" class="user_status"][tr][td][b][u][img][/img][/u][/b][/td][/tr][/table]
Installing the code.
ACP >> Users & Groups tab >>   Users >> Profiles >>
Scroll to the bottom right of the box and press the Green Cross

Type : Text Zone
Name : Online offline
Description : N/A
URL icon : N/A
Necessarily filled ? NO
Display : Messages only.
Display type : Icon
Who can modify the profile field value ? (DON'T TICK ANY)
Display this field for users that are at least : Guests.
Separator : back to line.

Default content * : ADD THE CODE THEN SAVE.
After it has saved go back to the same page and press the Black button that says [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Any problems with the theme or installing it please feel free to post a comment.
Bugs should be reported here on this topic with screen shot's

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

A chat World Official Themes

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Dark and gold FM theme  Empty Re: Dark and gold FM theme

Post by APE 08/07/19, 02:34 pm

Some small bugs was fixed so we updated the files with the fix so if you downloaded the theme please reinstall the ones marked as updated in red.
if this is your first time installing the theme no change is needed Wink

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Theme and Images by Ape & Jenny,
Banners by skouliki
Codes by Ape Jenny and tikky.