Name : Red and grey shadow theme. Hitskin link: JavaScript : YES Copyright : YES Updates : NO Templates : YES
JavaScript code's
- FontAwesome :
Title * : SCEditor FontAwesome Placement : All In all the pages - Code:
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="">');
$(function(){ if (!$.sceditor) return; var defaultSize = 18, // default icon size autoClose = 0, // closes drop down after an icon is clicked, if enabled // icon list fa = { '500px' : '', 'adjust' : '', 'adn' : '', 'align-center' : '', 'align-justify' : '', 'align-left' : '', 'align-right' : '', 'amazon' : '', 'ambulance' : '', 'anchor' : '', 'android' : '', 'angellist' : '', 'angle-double-down' : '', 'angle-double-left' : '', 'angle-double-right' : '', 'angle-double-up' : '', 'angle-down' : '', 'angle-left' : '', 'angle-right' : '', 'angle-up' : '', 'apple' : '', 'archive' : '', 'area-chart' : '', 'arrow-circle-down' : '', 'arrow-circle-left' : '', 'arrow-circle-o-down' : '', 'arrow-circle-o-left' : '', 'arrow-circle-o-right' : '', 'arrow-circle-o-up' : '', 'arrow-circle-right' : '', 'arrow-circle-up' : '', 'arrow-down' : '', 'arrow-left' : '', 'arrow-right' : '', 'arrow-up' : '', 'arrows' : '', 'arrows-alt' : '', 'arrows-h' : '', 'arrows-v' : '', 'asterisk' : '', 'at' : '', 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'', 'globe' : '', 'google' : '', 'google-plus' : '', 'google-plus-square' : '', 'google-wallet' : '', 'graduation-cap' : '', 'gratipay' : '', 'h-square' : '', 'hacker-news' : '', 'hand-lizard-o' : '', 'hand-o-down' : '', 'hand-o-left' : '', 'hand-o-right' : '', 'hand-o-up' : '', 'hand-paper-o' : '', 'hand-peace-o' : '', 'hand-pointer-o' : '', 'hand-rock-o' : '', 'hand-scissors-o' : '', 'hand-spock-o' : '', 'hashtag' : '', 'hdd-o' : '', 'header' : '', 'headphones' : '', 'heart' : '', 'heart-o' : '', 'heartbeat' : '', 'history' : '', 'home' : '', 'hospital-o' : '', 'hourglass' : '', 'hourglass-end' : '', 'hourglass-half' : '', 'hourglass-o' : '', 'hourglass-start' : '', 'houzz' : '', 'html5' : '', 'i-cursor' : '', 'ils' : '', 'inbox' : '', 'indent' : '', 'industry' : '', 'info' : '', 'info-circle' : '', 'inr' : '', 'instagram' : '', 'internet-explorer' : '', 'ioxhost' : '', 'italic' : '', 'joomla' : '', 'jpy' : '', 'jsfiddle' : '', 'key' : '', 'keyboard-o' : '', 'krw' : '', 'language' : '', 'laptop' : '', 'lastfm' : '', 'lastfm-square' : '', 'leaf' : '', 'leanpub' : '', 'lemon-o' : '', 'level-down' : '', 'level-up' : '', 'life-ring' : '', 'lightbulb-o' : '', 'line-chart' : '', 'link' : '', 'linkedin' : '', 'linkedin-square' : '', 'linux' : '', 'list' : '', 'list-alt' : '', 'list-ol' : '', 'list-ul' : '', 'location-arrow' : '', 'lock' : '', 'long-arrow-down' : '', 'long-arrow-left' : '', 'long-arrow-right' : '', 'long-arrow-up' : '', 'magic' : '', 'magnet' : '', 'male' : '', 'map' : '', 'map-marker' : '', 'map-o' : '', 'map-pin' : '', 'map-signs' : '', 'mars' : '', 'mars-double' : '', 'mars-stroke' : '', 'mars-stroke-h' : '', 'mars-stroke-v' : '', 'maxcdn' : '', 'meanpath' : '', 'medium' : '', 'medkit' : '', 'meh-o' : '', 'mercury' : '', 'microphone' : '', 'microphone-slash' : '', 'minus' : '', 'minus-circle' : '', 'minus-square' : '', 'minus-square-o' : '', 'mixcloud' : '', 'mobile' : '', 'modx' : '', 'money' : '', 'moon-o' : '', 'motorcycle' : '', 'mouse-pointer' : '', 'music' : '', 'neuter' : '', 'newspaper-o' : '', 'object-group' : '', 'object-ungroup' : '', 'odnoklassniki' : '', 'odnoklassniki-square' : '', 'opencart' : '', 'openid' : '', 'opera' : '', 'optin-monster' : '', 'outdent' : '', 'pagelines' : '', 'paint-brush' : '', 'paper-plane' : '', 'paper-plane-o' : '', 'paperclip' : '', 'paragraph' : '', 'pause' : '', 'pause-circle' : '', 'pause-circle-o' : '', 'paw' : '', 'paypal' : '', 'pencil' : '', 'pencil-square' : '', 'pencil-square-o' : '', 'percent' : '', 'phone' : '', 'phone-square' : '', 'picture-o' : '', 'pie-chart' : '', 'pied-piper' : '', 'pied-piper-alt' : '', 'pinterest' : '', 'pinterest-p' : '', 'pinterest-square' : '', 'plane' : '', 'play' : '', 'play-circle' : '', 'play-circle-o' : '', 'plug' : '', 'plus' : '', 'plus-circle' : '', 'plus-square' : '', 'plus-square-o' : '', 'power-off' : '', 'print' : '', 'product-hunt' : '', 'puzzle-piece' : '', 'qq' : '', 'qrcode' : '', 'question' : '', 'question-circle' : '', 'quote-left' : '', 'quote-right' : '', 'random' : '', 'rebel' : '', 'recycle' : '', 'reddit' : '', 'reddit-alien' : '', 'reddit-square' : '', 'refresh' : '', 'registered' : '', 'renren' : '', 'repeat' : '', 'reply' : '', 'reply-all' : '', 'retweet' : '', 'road' : '', 'rocket' : '', 'rss' : '', 'rss-square' : '', 'rub' : '', 'safari' : '', 'scissors' : '', 'scribd' : '', 'search' : '', 'search-minus' : '', 'search-plus' : '', 'sellsy' : '', 'server' : '', 'share' : '', 'share-alt' : '', 'share-alt-square' : '', 'share-square' : '', 'share-square-o' : '', 'shield' : '', 'ship' : '', 'shirtsinbulk' : '', 'shopping-bag' : '', 'shopping-basket' : '', 'shopping-cart' : '', 'sign-in' : '', 'sign-out' : '', 'signal' : '', 'simplybuilt' : '', 'sitemap' : '', 'skyatlas' : '', 'skype' : '', 'slack' : '', 'sliders' : '', 'slideshare' : '', 'smile-o' : '', 'sort' : '', 'sort-alpha-asc' : '', 'sort-alpha-desc' : '', 'sort-amount-asc' : '', 'sort-amount-desc' : '', 'sort-asc' : '', 'sort-desc' : '', 'sort-numeric-asc' : '', 'sort-numeric-desc' : '', 'soundcloud' : '', 'space-shuttle' : '', 'spinner' : '', 'spoon' : '', 'spotify' : '', 'square' : '', 'square-o' : '', 'stack-exchange' : '', 'stack-overflow' : '', 'star' : '', 'star-half' : '', 'star-half-o' : '', 'star-o' : '', 'steam' : '', 'steam-square' : '', 'step-backward' : '', 'step-forward' : '', 'stethoscope' : '', 'sticky-note' : '', 'sticky-note-o' : '', 'stop' : '', 'stop-circle' : '', 'stop-circle-o' : '', 'street-view' : '', 'strikethrough' : '', 'stumbleupon' : '', 'stumbleupon-circle' : '', 'subscript' : '', 'subway' : '', 'suitcase' : '', 'sun-o' : '', 'superscript' : '', 'table' : '', 'tablet' : '', 'tachometer' : '', 'tag' : '', 'tags' : '', 'tasks' : '', 'taxi' : '', 'television' : '', 'tencent-weibo' : '', 'terminal' : '', 'text-height' : '', 'text-width' : '', 'th' : '', 'th-large' : '', 'th-list' : '', 'thumb-tack' : '', 'thumbs-down' : '', 'thumbs-o-down' : '', 'thumbs-o-up' : '', 'thumbs-up' : '', 'ticket' : '', 'times' : '', 'times-circle' : '', 'times-circle-o' : '', 'tint' : '', 'toggle-off' : '', 'toggle-on' : '', 'trademark' : '', 'train' : '', 'transgender' : '', 'transgender-alt' : '', 'trash' : '', 'trash-o' : '', 'tree' : '', 'trello' : '', 'tripadvisor' : '', 'trophy' : '', 'truck' : '', 'try' : '', 'tty' : '', 'tumblr' : '', 'tumblr-square' : '', 'twitch' : '', 'twitter' : '', 'twitter-square' : '', 'umbrella' : '', 'underline' : '', 'undo' : '', 'university' : '', 'unlock' : '', 'unlock-alt' : '', 'upload' : '', 'usb' : '', 'usd' : '', 'user' : '', 'user-md' : '', 'user-plus' : '', 'user-secret' : '', 'user-times' : '', 'users' : '', 'venus' : '', 'venus-double' : '', 'venus-mars' : '', 'viacoin' : '', 'video-camera' : '', 'vimeo' : '', 'vimeo-square' : '', 'vine' : '', 'vk' : '', 'volume-down' : '', 'volume-off' : '', 'volume-up' : '', 'weibo' : '', 'weixin' : '', 'whatsapp' : '', 'wheelchair' : '', 'wifi' : '', 'wikipedia-w' : '', 'windows' : '', 'wordpress' : '', 'wrench' : '', 'xing' : '', 'xing-square' : '', 'y-combinator' : '', 'yahoo' : '', 'yelp' : '', 'youtube' : '', 'youtube-play' : '', 'youtube-square' : '' }, A = '', O = A; // if the size is above 0 we'll format a default size for the icons if (defaultSize) { A += '[size=' + defaultSize + ']'; O += '[/size]'; } // create sceditor button and drop down $.sceditor.command.set('fontawesome', { dropDown : function(editor, caller, callback) { var a, b = '', c = document.createElement('DIV'), i, j;
for (i in fa) b += '<i class="fa" title="' + i.replace(/-/g, ' ') + '">' + fa[i] + '</i>'; c.innerHTML = b; for (a = c.getElementsByTagName('I'), i = 0, j = a.length; i<j; i++) { a[i].onclick = function() { callback(this.innerHTML); autoClose && editor.closeDropDown(true); } }
editor.createDropDown(caller, 'fontawesome', c); },
// wysiwyg exec : function(c) { var e = this; $.sceditor.command.get('fontawesome').dropDown(e, c, function(icon) { e.insert(' [font=FontAwesome]' + A + icon + O + '[/font] ','', true, true, true); }); }, // source txtExec : function(c) { var e = this; $.sceditor.command.get('fontawesome').dropDown(e, c, function(icon) { e.insertText(' [font=FontAwesome]' + A + icon + O + '[/font] ',''); }); }, tooltip : 'Font Awesome Icons' }); toolbar = toolbar.replace(/date,/,'fontawesome,date,'); // add the button to the toolbar });
- Forum shadows codes:
Title * : Forum shadow's Placement : in all pages - Code:
// MAIN FORUM $(document).ready(function() {$(".forabg").after('<img style="width:100%" src="">');}); // SUB FORUMS $(document).ready(function() {$(".forumbg").after('<img style="width:100%" src="">');}); // NAVBAR $(document).ready(function() {$("#page-header .navbar .linklist").after('<img style="width:100%" src="">');}); // ANNOUNCEMENTS BAR $(document).ready(function() {$("#fa_ticker_block .module").after('<img style="width:100%" src="">');}); // FOOTER $(document).ready(function() {$("ul.linklist.clearfix").after('<img style="width:100%" src="">');});
- Active toolbar & navbar:
Title * : Active toolbar (navbar) Placement : In all pages. - Code:
/* * Application: Active Menu * Date: 25/04/2018 * Version: 1.225042018 * Copyright (c) 2018 Daemon <> * This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it */ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { var location = window.location.pathname +, menu = document.getElementsByClassName("mainmenu"), el = null, href = null; for(var i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) { el = menu[i], href = el.getAttribute("href"); if(href == location) { el.className += " active"; return false; } } });
Templates General
- index_box:
- Code:
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We hope you like this theme and if you find any bugs please let us know and we wil fix them if we ca and update the CSS files on the main post.
03/12/24, 09:32 pm by APE
» The Substance 2024
28/11/24, 07:34 pm by APE
» What are you going to do this weekend?
16/11/24, 04:48 pm by JENNY
» How has your week been?
16/11/24, 04:46 pm by JENNY
» How are you feeling today?
16/11/24, 04:45 pm by JENNY
» What was the last thing you did before coming online?
16/11/24, 04:45 pm by JENNY
» Morning/afternoon/night
16/11/24, 04:43 pm by JENNY
» Hello
10/11/24, 06:21 pm by JENNY
» What movie are you watching ?
08/11/24, 11:33 pm by APE