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Greetings! Empty Greetings!

Post by JennyorAlice 22/02/22, 01:50 pm

Hello everyone!  How are you? 

A little bit about me.....I like to read (a lot), spend time with my dog, play video games, watch movies, catch up on the few tv shows that I watch, and spend a little time on the internet.  If you want to know more about me, just ask.  Otherwise, I'll be seeing you around.
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Post by JENNY 22/02/22, 06:16 pm

Hello @JennyorAlice and welcome to chat world WELCOME
Thank you for telling us a little about your self THUMBS UP it is really good to get to know your new members and read about others who use the site.

Can i ask ? what kind of do is your dog and how old is He / She ?
What kind of movies to you like to watch ?

Me and Ape the owner of this forum love movies when we get time that is lol

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Greetings! Empty Re: Greetings!

Post by APE 22/02/22, 09:37 pm

As my wife has already said Welcome to the site I hope you have a great stay with us and if you want to see anything on the site please let us know and we will see if we can do it for you.

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Post by GalaxySoul 23/02/22, 12:39 am

Hello! Welcome to Achat World!

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Post by JennyorAlice 23/02/22, 03:27 am

@JENNY  My dog is a pit bull.  I've had her since she was 6 weeks old and she's now 10 years old.

The movies I normally watch are movies that are based off of a book I've read at some point.  For example, the Harry Potter series and the Twilight series.  I do watch movies that aren't based on literature but it doesn't happen often.  My hubby watches more movies than I do.
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Greetings! Empty Re: Greetings!

Post by Dave 23/02/22, 03:39 pm

Hello @JennyorAlice Welcome to the site it's so good to see more life in here.
it's always good to read about new members and get to know a little about them, I have been a member for a long time but don't get in much as Ape keeps me in the cage out the back.
Not really I live next door to him and his great family. buddy hug
If there is anything you would like to know about any of us please just ask and I'm sure the members will be happy to reply Smile
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Greetings! Empty Re: Greetings!

Post by JENNY 27/02/22, 12:26 am

JennyorAlice wrote:@JENNY  My dog is a pit bull.  I've had her since she was 6 weeks old and she's now 10 years old.

The movies I normally watch are movies that are based off of a book I've read at some point.  For example, the Harry Potter series and the Twilight series.  I do watch movies that aren't based on literature but it doesn't happen often.  My hubby watches more movies than I do.

Aww it's really cute having a dog from a puppy and having it grow up in the family.

We have lots of pets here and had all of them from babies we have just got two really small gold fish for the boys to have in their bedroom, We hope they will get to know how to feed them clean them out and do water changes.

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Greetings! Empty Re: Greetings!

Post by Gizmo 05/05/22, 10:55 pm

welcome to the forum Smile
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Post by skouliki 04/03/23, 09:03 am

welcome queen
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