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Theme Hide topic title colours for members only

Post by APE 18/09/23, 01:10 am

Hide topic title colours for members only

Hello! I will show you in this tutorial how to hide the topic tile colors to all members, but let staff still use it.

First you must be an Admin to do this.

Compatible with the following forum version's:
Hide topic title colours for members only Pun10Hide topic title colours for members only Php210Hide topic title colours for members only Php310Hide topic title colours for members only Inv10

Go to: ACP (Administration Control Panel ) Modules Tab Portal & Widgets Forum widgets management

Display forum widgets : YES
Width column 1 (left) : you pick size (If using)
Width column 3 (right) : You pick Size (If using)

Now to make the Widget its self:
Click the Create a widget button,
Widget name : topic_color
Use a table type : NO
Widget title :topic_color

Copy and past this code:
<style type="text/css">
select[name=topic_color] {display:inline!important}

Now you need to set this to the staff members Admin or mods or Both.
Hide topic title colours for members only Captur13

ACP Display Tab Pictures and Colors Colors CSS stylesheet
Now add this to your CSS files at the top or the bottom
select[name=topic_color] {
display:none !important;}

Now staff will only see the settings in the new topic's

I hope you like this little trick and if you have any problem please open a new topic and tag me in it and I will be happy to help.

A chat World Official Tutorial
This tutorial was written by Ape

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