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Pride in Brighton & Hove Empty Pride in Brighton & Hove

Post by APE 11/06/11, 11:49 am

Pride in Brighton & Hove

Pride in Brighton & Hove Frontpic_widePride in Brighton & Hove Frontpic_widePride in Brighton & Hove Frontpic_widePride in Brighton & Hove Frontpic_widePride in Brighton & Hove Frontpic_wide
Pride Companion Dog Show Sunday 3rd July 2011
Summer Festival Week 6th – 14th Aug 2011
Pride Parade & Park Event Sat 13th August 2011

News & Press Releases

Waterhall Campsite Announced Brighton and Hove Promotions Ltd have announced that they will be
running the Waterhall campsite on behalf of Brighton and Hove City
Council this year. For more information, and to book a place, click here. There'll be free drinks on offer for everyone with a Pride Ticket and a welcome present for all Pride Members!

Tickets for Pride Park Event on Sale NOW!

The wait is over as supporters of Pride in Brighton & Hove can buy tickets to the main park event on Saturday 13th August 2011 now.
For the first three weeks tickets will be on sale to all East and
West Sussex residents only at the following prices: Adult ticket -
£8.50. Under 18’s - £5.00. Under 12’s – Free.
Then, on Thursday 12th May tickets will go on general release at the following prices: Adult ticket - £12.50. Under 18’s - £8.50. Under 12’s – Free.
Log onto: to buy your tickets NOW.
Since announcing the ticket prices last month Pride has been working
hard to ensure its supporters have an event to remember and at a price
which is fair and affordable, and we are very pleased to be able to
announce that following lengthy discussions with our friends at
Ticketline we have negotiated that supporters will not have to pay a
booking fee when buying their tickets for Pride.
Pride is committed to making the Summer Festival accessible to all
those that wish to support the charity’s objectives and raise funds for
the local community. In support of this goal an allocation of free
community tickets for the main park event has been reserved for local
groups to distribute to individuals who may be at risk of exclusion, or
who would find purchasing a ticket difficult. Groups can apply for these
tickets via the Pride website here.
You can also secure your ticket today, whether you live in the Sussex
counties or not, by becoming a member of Pride. Full membership costs
£25 and includes a free ticket to the park. Join now here

Press Accreditation

If you or your organisation are looking to get a press pass for the
Park this year then please fill out an application form. Please bear in
mind that we expect demand to exceed supply, so get your applications in
as soon as possible to ensure you receive your pass. The closing date
for applications is Tuesday the 5th of July 2011.
Download applications here.

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Pride in Brighton & Hove Empty Re: Pride in Brighton & Hove

Post by JENNY 19/09/11, 12:59 am


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