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Ghost Empty Ghost

Post by JENNY 2012-06-21, 20:57

Hi have you seen a ghost ?
Do you think there is such thing as ghost's ?
If you think that ghost's are just a figment of my / Your imagination

Then tell us just why you think like that !!

I think i have seen a Ghost up a road one night when i was going home from work it crossed my side of the road and went in a field and just vanished in to mid air affraid

If it was not a ghost then what the F*** was it Ghost 1215253210 Ghost 4266132925

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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by FanOfDorks 2012-06-27, 20:44

Hi have you seen a ghost ?
Not that I know of.

Do you think there is such thing as ghost's ?
I do yes.

If you think that ghost's are just a figment of my / Your imagination?
No I dont.

Then tell us just why you think like that !!

I have never seen a ghost that I know of but When I go to visit my mums I get a really comforting yet sad feeling whenever I walk past her lounge door and a slight change in temp.

My stepdad hung himself from that very door n I feel its him letting us know he's still around.
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by APE 2012-06-28, 16:19

Wow I'm Sorry to here that Sad and yes i think there could be something in that our loved ones Do hang around keeping an eye on us and making sure we are all okay. I know for one that we all have a loved one that is our garden angels. I know this as my one is my grandad he come to us when my mum and dad was having a big fight and he stood outside there bed room and was looking in at them and i walked out of my bed room and see him ..he said hey son don't worry its all going to be okay. with that i ran back in to my bed room and cried my mum and dad then come in to see me and asked what was the matter and i said to my mum you lie!! she said i don't lie what made you say that i then told her she told me that grandad was dead and with the angles but how can he be if i have just seen him outside your bed room door she then asked me to show her but he was gone... I did not know mum and dad was having a big fight that day as they hid it from us kids but now i know that we all have some one taking care of us when they pass over to the other side. So yes Tiggyboom you most Defo feel him there if you ask me.

I don't really see why we call them ghosts they are garden angels

Well they are if there loved ones.

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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by FanOfDorks 2012-07-02, 00:22

"garden angels"

I like that Smile
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by Fish Crazy 2014-04-13, 19:45

We live on a piece of land that used to be a native Indian reservation all our streets have Indian names our street is called Comanche circle. When I first moved in I did not feel comfortable being alone in the house but I got used to it. But then the weird stuff started happening my lights turning on by themselves TV's turning on and off by themselves. Doors opening and closing by themselves. One day I was making a sandwich in the kitchen went to the living room to watch TV but I forgot my Coke, when I got in the kitchen I almost fell over the oven door for some reason it was open which cannot happen because we have a self cleaning oven with a door lock and we always keep it lock. Our cat always looks into the hallway like there is somebody standing and looking into our living room almost makes your hair stand up sometimes. And at night when I'm trying to sleep just when I'm about to fall asleep I always get woken up by something falling on the ground it sounds like a small piece of jewelry that goes on for 30 min. to an hour until you are to tired and fall asleep
my son will not go into my bedroom he said that one day he walked by and saw a black figure in the room moving. If he does go in the hallway at night he always turns the light on and my bedroom door has to be closed at night. Also sometimes kitchen cabinets door would be open when we come back from shopping. I also keep seeing shadows out off the corner of my eyes all the time during the day and at night sometimes it looks like some small animal like a dog or cat other times it is like a person. The strange part is you know when something's going to happen because you get like a cold chill and your hair stands up on your arms.
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by FanOfDorks 2014-04-14, 23:44

My 3 year old can't say ghost. She say's toast. Which always makes me think of this.
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by APE 2014-04-15, 15:34

InsayshubbleTiggy wrote:My 3 year old can't say ghost.  She say's toast.  Which always makes me think of this.
Aww bless her and OMG rus H he is so funny lol love that guy

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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by FanOfDorks 2014-04-23, 22:43

He sure is funny.
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by Dave 2014-04-24, 23:09

There is a house about half a mile away from me that has had no one in for about 5 years now.

The saying is that there is some thing bad in there. there was a big family there about 30 years a go that was said to have killed there son and 2 girls in there.

Every family that have moved in there have soon left
The have all said  there has been a funny smell of stale blood and the smell of rotting flesh.

And on the day the kid s was killed there is a really funny sound like crying kids in the living room where they was killed.

To this day every one says there is some thing walking around the living room late at night and some times a light can be seen in the big bed room at the back of the house.

I my self have not seen nothing but i feel cold when going passed at night walking the dog and the dog always looks up at the house as we walk past.
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by Fish Crazy 2014-04-25, 03:01

You would not see me walking passed that house at night  No  affraid 
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by APE 2014-04-26, 11:10

Fish Crazy wrote:You would not see me walking passed that house at night  No  affraid 
I'm with you there Sod walking past that house any time of the day or night

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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by FanOfDorks 2014-04-28, 00:52

Now that is creepy.
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by APE 2014-11-29, 01:09

last year i was out shopping and come across some items that i really did need so i got them ..That day i got home and unpacked my shopping and put everything away in all the right parts of the house.

The next day i wanted to do some work on a remote controlled car that i have and was looking for the power pack i had got the day before that i put in the bed room on the back side of my bedside unit.

after going in my bed room to get the power pack it was gone.

No one was in the house for that day only me so no one could have moved them. over a year has gone by and i have hunted for this power pack for all that time in the end i got one on Ebay again. Yesterday i was in the back room of the house putting some new glass in the window to only find the power pack sitting on the window seal now it was not there all this time and it was not there when i took the old glass out that was broke so how the hell did it get there after all this time? 

I think some one that has passed away is playing games with me. Surprised

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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by Fish Crazy 2014-11-29, 02:11

Stuff like that has also happened to me too, I had 2 nice flasks 1 was stainless metal and glass have been looking for them now for 3 years. Also my dad's dog tags are missing too for 3 years I have looked and looked 1 day they may pop-up again :-(
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Ghost Empty Re: Ghost

Post by APE 2014-11-30, 22:49

Fish Crazy wrote:Stuff like that has also happened to me too, I had 2 nice flasks 1 was stainless metal and glass have been looking for them now for 3 years. Also my dad's dog tags are missing too for 3 years I have looked and looked 1 day they may pop-up again :-(  
yeah its like something will get moved and not be fund for years even thou you know you put them down some place before they was moved.

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