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feed the wildlife
We all know the winter is here and the weather is getting wet and cold so here is a tip on how you can help save our wildlife
our birds need to keep warm this year so putting seed and fat balls out will help them get over the winter and keep healthy.
Nut's and other food is really good but make sure you put them some place where no other wildlife can get court up in the netting,
We all know the squirrel can get stuck in the netting when trying to get in there for a good free feed.
Also when snow is on the ground it's always good to give the wildlife some water with a little ball in the center to help stopping it freeze over.
Do NOT put out cooked food as this will entice rats in to your garden or even your home and then you will be in trouble
our birds need to keep warm this year so putting seed and fat balls out will help them get over the winter and keep healthy.
Nut's and other food is really good but make sure you put them some place where no other wildlife can get court up in the netting,
We all know the squirrel can get stuck in the netting when trying to get in there for a good free feed.
Also when snow is on the ground it's always good to give the wildlife some water with a little ball in the center to help stopping it freeze over.
Do NOT put out cooked food as this will entice rats in to your garden or even your home and then you will be in trouble
Gizmo- Premium Member
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